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Meeting Minutes

Towner County Commissioners



March 4, 2025


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on March 4, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the agenda as presented.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2025 regular meeting. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reported that the loader has started to be repaired.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that the department ran an activity with neighboring agencies (Benson and Ramsey counties, K9 departments, and National Guard), which resulted in some arrests.

Hillier reported that there is a car in the County’s possession that will have some equipment to remove from the vehicle before selling.

No additional deputies have been hired. The SRO position is going well.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Supervisor Voight reported that the building design is going well. The initial draft came in at approximately 23,950 square feet at an estimate of $10.775 million. The square footage has been reduced at the second meeting to approximately 13,500 square feet. This amount will need to increase a little to account for missing storage. After discussion, the commission decided that it is not cost effective to include a daycare, as the capital outlay for a daycare portion is over $2 million.

Voight reported that the boiler continues to work well. He will be working to slow the burners down for the coal to be burnt more completely.

Visitors and Delegations:


Old Business:


New Business:

State’s Attorney Update

State’s Attorney Josh Frey updated that he has been offered the State’s Attorney position in Nelson County. SA Frey requested that the Commission approve his serving in Towner County and Nelson County.

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the resolution which allows for State’s Attorney Frey to serve in both Towner County and Nelson County. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Abatement Application – Theodore Bjornstad

Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the abatement application as presented. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Sheriff’s Department Sale

No action considered necessary at the current time.

Off-Site Liquor License – Cando Bar

Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the off-site liquor license application as presented. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Step Increases

Auditor Reimer presented two different calculations on step/longevity increases. She presented the different options and explained the rationale behind the proposal. After significant discussion, Commissioner Hallaway moved to apply the 10% over life step increase to the 2026 budget. Motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, the Commission directed Auditor Reimer to prepare a study to for the 2026 budget to include the 10% over life step increase calculation.

Auditor’s Report:

Capital Projects Financing

Auditor Reimer presented the Capital Projects levy up to a limit of 10 mills. After discussion, the Commission directed Auditor Reimer to include this levy, not at the mill limit, in the 2026 budget calculation.


DMV Branch: Auditor Reimer presented that she had looked into the Towner County Courthouse becoming a DMV branch, but at the current time, the North Dakota Department of Transportation/Motor Vehicles is not looking to expand. Towner County is now on a list of interested locations should a new branch opportunity become available.

County Awareness Month: Auditor Reimer reported that April is County Awareness month. In 2024, Towner County did not do anything to commemorate the month. A county-wide breakfast has been done in the past. Commissioner Hallaway and Commissioner Lagein agreed to assist with a county breakfast.; courthouse tours, etc.

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the current, unrestricted cash balance as of February 28, 2025 was $7,865,429.05. Auditor Reimer noted that since opening the sweep account with Bravera Bank at the beginning of February, the County has earned approximately $1,200 in interest.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for April 8, 2025.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                                                  Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                 Auditor/Treasurer




February 4, 2025


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on February 4, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Berg. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2025 regular meeting and the January 31, 2025 special meeting was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Teubner. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reported that the old payloader in Hansboro is not working. Butler Machinery has an estimate of $6,700 to report assuming that it is the hydraulic pump. Commission directed Supervisor Rinas to go with the repairs until the value of the repairs exceed the value of the payloader.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that the new Sheriff’s vehicle has been outfitted and is only waiting on graphics to be put on the vehicle. Hillier reported that with the new presidential administration the Sheriff’s department received word that they had to stop working Stonegarden hours for a couple days but were able to pick back up. Hillier expects more of these Stonegarden halts until things get sorted out in Washington, DC.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Maintenance Supervisor Voight reported that there is a new building committee meeting with Icon on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025. Voight reported that we are continuing to burn coal, and with the repairs made to the boiler, the coal is burning more efficiently.

Visitors and Delegations:

Brandon Padilla – Butler Machinery

Brandon Padilla of Butler Machinery presented two quotes for Motor Graders. He indicated that there were some options that were new this year. Discussion. Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to accept quote number 308357-01 for a 140M3AWDB Motor Grader. Based on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Old Business:


New Business:

Abatement Application – Thomas Gratton

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the abatement application as presented. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Rolette County LEC Agreement

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to conditionally approve the Rolette County LEC agreement, dependent upon review and approval from State’s Attorney Frey. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

NDSU Extension Assistant

Commissioner Lagein presented the option of having Doris Greenwood picking up extra hours to help cover the missing position. Commission discussed, and as the additional hours are within the budget, no further approval was considered necessary.

Commissioner Lagein reported that Hayden Anderson has been hired as the new NDSU Extension agent. She will first start on May 1, 2025. In the interim, Lindy Berg will continue in her role on the Weed Board.


WSI LMS Program

Auditor Reimer presented on the learning management system offered through the County Employer Group (CEG) as it relates to the workers safety insurance. This program is an online course system, that through participation, can get the County a 5% discount on the WSI premium. This would involve all County employees except the Road department and the Sheriff’s department. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to try the program for a year. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Hazard Mitigation Plan

Auditor Reimer presented on behalf of Emergency Manager Lori Beck, who was unable to attend the meeting. Reimer reported that the Hazard Mitigation Plan is to be updated every 5 years. Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the quote from South Central Dakota Regional Council. Based on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Vanguard Appraisals – CAMA Contract

Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the service contract and license contract. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried

Golf Course Gaming Permit

Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the gaming permit for the Cando Golf Course as applied. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Public Health Board Appointment – Chris Doehler

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to appoint Chris Doehler to the Public Health Board. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Financial Report:

Sweep Account

Auditor Reimer reported that a sweep account is being opened at Bravera Bank. The sweep account will run like our regular checking account except for each evening the ending balance will be “swept out” and used at other banks, which generates interest on the funds used. Each morning, the balance will be “swept in” for our use again.

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the financial review showing a current, unrestricted cash balance as of January 31, 2025 was $7,150,744.07.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Berg moves, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for March 4, 2025.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




January 31, 2025


The Towner County Commissioners met virtually in a special session on January 31, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom for the purpose of reviewing and approving/denying the liquor license for the Cando Golf Club.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present on the Zoom call were Vice Chairman David Lagein and Commissioner Lance Teubner. Commissioner Doug Berg was in attendance at the Courthouse. Commissioners Bob Hallaway was absent.

Commissioner Odermann called the meeting to order. Commissioner Odermann asked if the liquor license application was complete and the fee was paid. Auditor Mindy Reimer confirmed the application was complete and all related fees were paid. Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the liquor license for the Cando Golf Club as presented. No discussion was had. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed with no dissents. No vote was registered from Commissioners Hallaway due to his absence.

Being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.





Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




January 7, 2025


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on January 7, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Berg. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Reorganization of County Commission – Election of Officers:

Auditor Mindy Reimer opened up nominations for Chairman. Matt Odermann was nominated. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Odermann. All commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Chairman Odermann opened nominations for Vice-Chairman. Dave Lagein was nominated. Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Lagein. All commissioners voted aye; motion carried.

Reorganization of County Commission – Committee/Portfolio Reorganization:

Commissioners discussed the various committee assignments. No changes to the commissioner portfolio from prior years. Portfolio assignments as detailed below.



Commissioner                      Department                                                                Committees

Odermann                              Tax Director                                       North Central Planning, Veterans Service Office Supervisor, Building Maintenance Committee



Lagein                                       Roads                                              Weed Board, Public Health, Zoning, and NDSU Extension


Hallaway                                 Recorder                                          Weed Board and Airport Authority

                                             Clerk of Court


Berg                                         Auditor                                             Zoning, Social Services, and Ambulance South


                                         Emergeny Manager


Teubner                          Facilities Maintenance                            Building Maintenance Committee and Economic Development




Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reports that they are fully staffed. The new blade will be delivered this week. Auditor Reimer asked how many of the new hires will be needing CDL. Two of the new hires will be trained in house for the CDL.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that the Towner County Sheriff’s department will be, within the next month, on the computer program that Cavalier County is switching to. Commissioner Hallaway asked if there have been any new deputies hired. Hillier reported that there are a couple potential hires, but there is nothing to report as of now.


Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Maintenance Supervisor Voight presented the updated proposal from ICON. State’s Attorney Frey also explained that the initial contract was for also for the construction phase. This verbiage has been removed. State’s Attorney Frey says that he is comfortable with the contract as updated. The new contract will be signed.

Commissioner Hallaway asked if we will be getting a sketch/drawing soon, and Voight expects that it will be coming relatively soon.

Visitors and Delegations:

None present

Old Business:


New Business:

Mobile Home Abatements – Primary Residence Credit Qualified

Auditor Reimer presented the mobile home parcels that qualified for the Primary Residence Tax Credit. Based on how the mobile home property tax is billed out, the owners paid the mobile home taxes prior to the credit being approved. Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the abatements as presented and issue refund checks as required. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

GIS Mapping Services Agreement

GIS Mapping Services Agreement from Sidwell was reviewed. Auditor Reimer presented that both Tax Director Leas and State’s Attorney Frey reviewed the contract and approved the signing. Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the contract as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Federal Holiday Review

Auditor Reimer read the Towner County Policy Manual in regard to declared federal holidays. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to observe the presidentially declared holiday in honor of Jimmy Carter not on January 9, 2024 as declared by the President of the United States, but rather on Friday, January 10, 2025. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Commissioner Odermann announced that the 69th legislative session is now open. Auditor Reimer presented that there is a Local County Capitol Connection put on by the North Dakota Association of Counties. Towner County will have representatives at the event.

Financial Report:

2024 Budget Amendments

Auditor Reimer reviewed the amendments to the budget. It was noted that overall, the property tax revenue was lower than budgeted across all funds. There were significant over-expenditures in the county road as were known by the Commissioners. There was discussion regarding the Weed Control fund and how the significant overspend is due to change in budget. No further discussion was held. Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the amendments as recommended by the County Auditor. Upon roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the financial review showing a current, unrestricted cash balance as of December 31, 2024 was $6,814,122.04.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for February 4, 2025.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.




Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer





December 5, 2024



The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on December 5, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Swearing in of Commissioners

Re-elected commissioners Matt Odermann, Bob Hallaway, and Lance Teubner were re-swore in by County Auditor Mindy Reimer.


Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2024, regular meeting and November 15, 2024 special meeting were made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Berg. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas provided a preliminary study for culverts.  Commissioner Lagein asked the commission if he could speak to the Water Board to see if the water could be routed in a more natural way to match the flow.

Supervisor Rinas reported that they are back to full staff, and no longer advertising for maintenance workers.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that Lucero Cervantes is coming up on her 2-years of experience, and he will be providing the Auditor with a letter of support to issue her with her $2,500 hiring bonus.

Hillier also presented a contract with Ward County for juvenile detention facilities. Because it is for juveniles, the costs are quite high. Hillier reported that he has spoken with the neighboring counties, and all report that they will be using the Ward County facilities. Commissioner Odermann has asked that State’s Attorney Frey look at the contract first before the County signs.

Commissioner Odermann asked how the investigator position is working. Hillier reported that it is working well and it is nice having a set person at the school.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Maintenance Supervisor Voight reported that State’s Attorney Frey had a question on the already signed contract with ICON. Commissioner Odermann will contact State’s Attorney Frey to follow up with ICON how the contract can be worded for the County to be comfortable with signing.

Voight reported that there is no news on the Armory. Voight reported that the boiler at the Courthouse is working much better and burning a lot cleaner, so it’s just ashes to clean out.

Visitors and Delegations:

Wold Engineering – Moris Holen, Jr.

Morris Holen, Jr. was here to represent Wold and on behalf of them wanted to thank Towner County for the business for all the years. Commissioner Lagein asked if the preliminary work had started on the Picton project, and due to the weather, they have not been able to start, but as soon as the snow and weather allow, the preliminary engineering work will start.

Old Business:


New Business:

Thanksgiving/Christmas Bonus

Auditor Reimer asked if the commission wanted to provide, as additional compensation, a K&E gift certificate to all non-temporary, non-seasonal employees. The Commissioner approved a gift certificate in the amount of $40.

Full-Time Hours Review

Auditor Reimer asked for a review of the department requirements for full-time hours. After significant discussion, it was determined that the departments have had hours reviewed and the commission feels that they are all compensated accordingly.

Employee Salary Review

Auditor Reimer presented the salary comparison of the department heads. Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to increase the annual salary of the Facilities Manager to $72,236 effective January 1, 2025. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Holiday Schedule

Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the holiday schedule as presented with the observance of Juneteenth on December 26, 2025.

Abatement approval and Tax Deeds

Auditor Reimer presented the foreclosed properties tax statements and the County deeds to deed the foreclosed property back to the original owner of City of Bisbee, Haskamp’s Addition, Block 19 E1/2 Lot 11, Lot 12, 13, as well as properties previously advertised to the City of Rocklake and the City of Perth. After discussion, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the abatements as presented and approve the County deeds as presented.

Computer Equipment

After discussion, the Commission has decided that the County will not be selling any computer equipment that has been replaced. The County will be destroying the computers once replaced.

Auditor’s Report

Financial Report

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review indicating a current, unrestricted cash balance as of November 30, 2024, of $5,964,322.77.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the bills as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.



Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for January 7, 2025.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.





Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




November 15, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met virtually in a special session on November 15, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. via Zoom.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present on the Zoom call were Vice Chairman David Lagein. Commissioner Doug Berg was in attendance at the Courthouse. Commissioners Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner were absent. Also in attendance were Dena Kemmet from NDSU Extension and Lindy Berg.

Dena Kemmet started with an explanation that in order for NDSU Extension to begin the search for a new county agent to fill the upcoming vacancy due to Lindy Berg’s transition to a new position, an official movement of the Towner County Commission needed to be made. After short discussion, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to open the position of Towner County NDSU Extension Agent and allow for Dena Kemmet to begin the search for a replacement agent. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed with no dissents. No vote was registered from Commissioners Hallaway or Teubner due to their absence.

Being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.





Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




November 12, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on November 12, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg and Lance Teubner. Bob Hallaway arrived at 8:18 a.m.


Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2024, regular meeting and October 18, 2024 special meeting were made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Teubner. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reported that they are still blading, but they are done gravelling.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

 Sheriff Hillier reported that the Stonegarden grant was approved for $75,000. This grant is to be used only for overtime and mileage. There is no factor for equipment.

Approximately 18 months ago, Cavalier County approached the Sheriff’s dept onto a CAD system, which tracks the location of the respondents as well as update the respondents on the developing situation prior to arrival. After discussions with the Cavalier County Sheriff, the final cost for Towner County should be less than $4,500. State’s Attorney Frey asked why would Cavalier County absorb their bulk of the cost. Sheriff Hillier reported that Cavalier County is going with this system with or without Towner County, so they won’t incur a separate large cost.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Maintenance Supervisor Voight reported that the boiler has been put together and is up and running well. He believes one of the bearings is going out, but he will try to get it through the winter season prior to fixing that issue.

Voight presented that there needs to be a group of people to work with ICON. Initially the building committee will be on the courthouse building project committee. Chairman Odermann appointed Commissioner Odermann, Commissioner Teubner, Facilities Supervisor William Voight, Sheriff Andrew Hillier, and Auditor Mindy Reimer.

Commissioner Odermann recognized Supervisor Voight for all the hard and extra effort he has put into his position. It has not gone unrecognized.

Visitors and Delegations:

Wold Engineering – Jessica Tagestad

Jessica Tagestag discussed the Picton Road and starting this project in the current year. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to start the preliminary engineering in the current year. Upon a roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye. Commissioner Hallaway was absent from the vote.

NDSU Extension Agent – Lindy Berg

Lindy Berg reported that Lyndsie Kennedy left the 4H position for a position at Lake Region. She also reported that Dianna Rosinski is retiring on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Lindy Berg also reports that she has accepted another position with NDSU Extension Conservation Leadership and Planning Program Coordinator , and will have her last day at the NDSU extension as the local agent will be December 6th.

In regard to the weed board, Berg reported that she is not leaving the county and would be willing to stay on as weed officer. The Commission will discuss this after receiving a recommendation from the weed board, but until a formal recommendation is received, Berg will remain as weed board officer.

Berg has brought up Cheryl Stutz’s hours potentially being paid under the road department when she works on the trees. This will be discussed at a later date.

Butler – Brandon Padilla

Brandon Padilla presented on a disc mower, which acts like a haying tool, so the grass would stay in the ditch and not get thrown up in the road. Further discussion will be held during the ARPA discussion.

KLJ – Paul Bjornstad

Paul Bjornstad was on hand to report on the project BRJ 0048050 – PCN 23975. The ND DOT should be providing a contract to us. The design has 2 box culverts included in it. KLJ is looking to get fieldwork done this fall/winter. The costs should be 100% covered by the state, the only costs the county should incur are right-of-way purchases.

Old Business:


New Business:

Appointee to the Security Committee

Commissioner Odermann appointed Commissioner Hallaway to the Security Committee

Abatement Application – Glenn Heldt

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the abatement application as presented.

ARPA Applications

The ARPA applications from the City of Rocklake, Towner County Public Health, Towner County Roads, and Heartview Foundation. The applications were discussed together. Cando Heartview Chief Operating Officer Sheri Timms was available to answer questions.

Commission discussed to rank the applications as follows:

  1.  Towner County Public Health

  2.  Heartview

  3.  City of Rocklake

  4. Towner County Roads

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to deny the Towner County Road application, approve the Towner County Public Health application in full, approve a grant of $9,632.89 to Heartview Foundation, approve a grant of $9,632.89 to the City of Rocklake, with any unspent previously allocated funds to be split in a 50/50 ratio to the Heartview Foundation and the City of Rocklake. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed with no dissents.

Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to amend the prior approval of the award to Towner County Parks to be used for the vaulted toilets as well as any additional costs the Towner County Park Supervisor deems necessary up to a total of $20,000. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed with no dissents.

Cafeteria Plan Renewal

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, moved to approve the resolution for the Cafeteria Plan. Motion passed with no dissents.


Commissioner Teubner brought up the idea of having daycare added onto a new courthouse. This will be considered during the design phase of a new courthouse.

Auditor’s Report

Election Update

Auditor Reimer reported that Towner County had a 68.45% total voter turnout, and of the active voters, the 86.23% turnout. Statewide had a voter turnout of 62.44%.

First Aid/CPR Training for Staff

Auditor Reimer reported that she has looked into offering a First Aid/CPR Training for all County staff. This course will be offered a couple different times to ensure the County services remain open.

Financial Report

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review indicating a current, unrestricted cash balance as of October 31, 2024, of $6,085,575.32.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for December 5, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.





Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/TreasurerV




October 8, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on October 8, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Berg and seconded by Commissioner Teubner. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reported that graveling is done and the guys are blading to keep the roads in decent condition. Road department has had significant turn-over. All but one position has been filled. Applications will be open to fill the final position.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that he has a meeting with Border Patrol this afternoon to discuss the upcoming grant. It can be expected that the grant will be reduced. Commissioner Hallaway asked if the recruitment trip to the Academy generated any applicants. There was one applicant from the recruitment trip, but Hillier doesn’t think the individual would work out. There is a potential local applicant, and Sheriff Hillier will discuss with the local applicant with intentions and long-term plan.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Maintenance Supervisor Voight reported that things are status quo apart from discussing the ICON proposal. The Commission discussed the Schematic Design from ICON and how the payment will be made. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to accept the Schematic Design proposal from ICON Architectural Group. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Commissioner Hallaway asked how the things are working in the School in the Armory. The new and updated contract with the school is in process.

Visitors and Delegations:

Wold Engineering – Jessica Tagestad

Jessica Tagestad, from Wold Engineering, was present to discuss the County’s Federal Aid sheet completed with current planned projects and asked if the commission has any additional projects to add. Ms. Tagestad indicated that the County would need to start soon for the bidding process for some of the upcoming projects due to the environmental requirements. Commission discussed the known and potential projects.

9:00 a.m. Preliminary Tax Hearing:

Commissioner Odermann called the preliminary tax hearing to order at 9:00 a.m.

Joan Youngerman, from Cando, was present and asked some questions regarding the increase of the taxes as well as who receives estimated tax statements and who does not. The Commission and Auditor Reimer clarified the mail out of estimated tax statements and who gets them. They also clarified what levy the Towner County Commission has control over.

Mrs. Youngerman stated that she understands what the taxes raised help to fund and she is aware of how much lower the taxes are here in Cando/Towner County compared to the bigger cities around. Commissioner Odermann thanked Mrs. Youngerman for her time and questions.

Commissioner Odermann called the hearing closed at 9:15 a.m.

Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the final budget. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.



Old Business:

ARPA Application – City of Rocklake:

Upon discussion, it was determined to table this and all pending ARPA applications until the November Commissioner meeting.

New Business:

Parcel 29-0005-05145-000 Deed Error

Auditor Reimer presented the deed error, being the incorrect stamp was used on the deed, which indicated taxes were paid rather than simply the ownership change was entered into the tax roll. Commissioner Odermann asked State’s Attorney what we can do. State’s Attorney Frey reported that there had been no prior cases in North Dakota to give us guidance. State’s Attorney Frey reported that the purposes of the stamps are for the County’s benefit rather than for the buyer’s benefit.

While, admittedly, the County was negligent in completing their duty on this deed, the taxes were legally and properly levied, and as such, the taxes remain. Auditor Reimer will contact the purchaser that the taxes stay on the property, but the penalties and interest will be waived.

Canvass Board Appointment:

Commissioner Odermann appointed Commissioner Doug Berg as the county representative for the General Election Canvass Board, with Commissioner Dave Lagein as the alternate.

NDSU Extension Financial Partnership Base Policy:

The Commission reviewed the NDSU Extension Financial Partnership Base policy. No changes were required. The Commission approved the policy.

North Dakota State Fair Board Appointment:

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallway, to appoint Dave and Jannell Lagein to the North Dakota State Fair board. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

ARPA Application – Towner County Public Health

Upon discussion, it was determined to table this and all pending ARPA applications until the November Commissioner meeting.

Foreclosure Prices:

The Commission discussed the selling price for the properties to be foreclosed on. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Hallaway, to set the prices as indicated below.



Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review indicating a current, unrestricted cash balance as of September 30, 2024 of $6,264,158.18.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for November 12, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




September 5, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on September 5, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Berg and seconded by Commissioner Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Road Supervisor Kevin Rinas reported that he is unsure about the road scales to prevent heavy trucks over the county roads. Commissioner Teubner questioned if they’ve had any applications for the open maintenance positions. Rinas reported that they hired Marie Berg. She was working for the Weed Board but will be starting in the Road department on September 10, 2024. There is still one open position. Rinas reported that the pits are nearly empty of gravel. He doesn’t have many prospects for gravel for next year, so there may be a delay again next year for gravel. He plans to pull the gravel trucks off the roads to ensure there is a little gravel for next week.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that they’ve had a patrol car go down. The department is waiting to hear if it is repairable. There have been a couple small to medium events at the NorthStar School, so the sheriff’s department is happy with the SRO office there. Commissioner Hallaway asked if there have been any applicants for the open deputy position. Sheriff Hillier reported that there have been no viable applicants. Hillier reported that he and Deputy Juarez will be going to the Police Academy in Grand Forks on Wednesday to try to recruit.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Bill Voight reported that the Courthouse has a leaky roof. He reported that he has found approximately 6 spots in the roof that leaks. He reported that Brandt Construction looked at the roof and found nothing that indicated where the leaks are coming.

Voight reported that there was an electrical issue at the Memorial building. He reported that it was a couple fuse issues, but the fuses were replaced with the assistance of Wade Hendrickson.

Visitors and Delegations:

Hal Parker American Legion #79 – Troy Reemtsma:

Troy Reemtsma reported that the gaming is continuing. When the Legion took over gaming at Gordy’s Bar, they needed to take a slight loan to obtain it. The loan is being slowly paid back as agreed with the lender. From the gaming, Reemtsma reported that approximately $240,000 grants have been given out of the past year.

Reemtsma also reported that the 250th Anniversary of America is in 2026, and the National American Legion has asked the local chapters to aid in the celebration. The Hal Parker American Legion #79 has looked at planting 250 trees or building a grandstand for the NorthStar baseball field. The local chapter is looking more seriously at the grandstand project and has earmarked $5,000 for the next 10 quarters to put forth $50,000 for the project.

Rocklake VFW has a meeting on Monday to determine if they need to close. Before full closure, all funds would be donated back to the city of Rocklake, Rocklake Boosters, Towner County Historical Society, and other local beneficiaries.

Sidney/Picton Township – Tom McCloud (absent):

Andy Gores and Trent Haberstroh, representatives from the Sidney and Picton Townships, questioned, again, who shares the cost of the roads. States Attorney Frey clarified that Townships do not have to improve roads. The Township is able to authorize an individual to build the road.

After significant discussion, it was fully clarified that neither the Township nor the County is responsible for building the road. Should the landowner wish to build a road, the Township can allow that. The Township can also agree to build the road. The County will only provide culverts of a certain size based on an official hydrology study.

Icon Architects – Tim Olson:

Representatives from Icon Architects, Tim Olson and Todd Blixt, met with the commission virtually to discuss the issues of the Courthouse building. T. Blixt prefaces the meeting with the fact that the original estimated costs of the repairs and/or replacement have significantly increased.

Tim Olson, structural engineer, reported that the foundation of the Courthouse is in poor condition. The mortar between the foundational bricks/rocks has turned back into sand and is not structurally sound. Facilities Manager Voight asked if there were any other options available rather than replace the foundation. T. Olson reported that a wall could be poured on the inside of the original foundation wall could be done, but it would also be just as disruptive, difficult, and expensive to complete.

Voight questioned, based on everything that has been discovered from the engineering studies, if there is an unofficial estimate available on what it would take to repair the current building. Olson and Blixt reported that the initial estimate to repair all known issues with the Courthouse building would be approximately $17 million, and this does not take into account any additional issues that would be discovered during the renovation issues. Both Olson and Blixt reported that if the decision of the Commission is to repair the building, the County would need to find new architects as they wouldn’t be able to help us with that. Icon was also unsure of where construction companies that would have the capabilities to complete the repairs.

Voight then asked what would the cost be to get a plan for a new building. Blixt reported that the Icon fee would be approximately 7% of the total construction costs. The original estimate based on square footage was approximately $13 million. Blixt said that Icon would be able to provide a scaled down schematic that would be able to be presented for public opinion for approximately $50,000 and this payment would be considered a “down-payment” on any further construction costs.

Commissioner Lagein questioned if Icon is aware of any grants available for energy efficiency improvements that would be available to governmental agencies. Blixt reported that he isn’t aware of any, but he will do some research.

Virtual meeting ended at 9:21 a.m. and Icon left.

The Commission continued to discuss the building issues. The Commission discussed the option of taking over the old hospital in the hopes of not having to build a new building. It was determined that for us to take over the old hospital, more money would need to be spent to review the structural condition of the old hospital, and as the building was no longer fit for the hospital’s use, the likelihood that it would be functional for us would be very slim.

Commissioner Hallaway discussed using ARPA funds to fund the $50,000 investment. When estimates are received, an ARPA application will be completed.

Towner County Parks – Mike Britain:

Towner County Parks Supervisor Mike Britain reported that he purchased paint to finish the bare wood at Armourdale. The dock will come out of Armourdale soon as it is a waterfowl refuge and no individuals are allowed to be on the water once Waterfowl season begins. Snyder’s lake weeds – will be dragged.

Old Business:

ARPA Application – City of Rocklake:

Commissioner Hallaway moved to deny the application as presented. Motion died for lack of second.

Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to table the application until December.

New Business:

ARPA Funds Clarification:

Auditor Reimer clarified the dates related to ARPA funds. All the ARPA funds need to be obligated by December 31, 2024 but do not need to be spent until December 31, 2026.

It was discussed by the Commission to accept no more ARPA applications after the November commissioner meeting. The November meeting will be on November 12, 2024, which means all ARPA application will need to be received by November 11, 2024 to be considered.

ARPA Application – Towner County Parks

The Commission reviewed the ARPA application from Towner County Parks for a vaulted toilet at Snyder’s Lake. Motion to approve by Commissioner Hallaway, seconded by Commissioner Berg. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Memorial Building:

States Attorney Josh Frey was on hand to discuss a new school agreement for their use of the Memorial Building. Bill Voight reported that he met with Aimee Zachrison and Eric Nygaard from NorthStar school to discuss some of the issues that have been present with the usage from the school.

The Commission discussed the feasibility of us maintaining the Memorial Building indefinitely. No decisions were made.

City of Perth Canvass Board:

Auditor Reimer presented the ballots from the City of Perth dissolution vote. The Commission reviewed all the ballots and approved the vote as presented. The City of Perth will cease to exist as of January 1, 2025.

The Commission and Road Supervisor Rinas discussed the future blading of the Perth roads. Rinas reported that the trees need to be trimmed back as the way they are now they’re causing damage to the blades.


Auditor Reimer provided an update on the estimated tax statements. She reported that there were three taxing entities, Rocklake City Park Board, Towner County Soil Conservation, and Towner County Hospital Authority, that did not provide their financial information, as required by the North Dakota Century Code. Rocklake City Park Board and Towner County Hospital Authority have since provided financial information, but as the deadline was missed, per the N.D.C.C. the maximum levy that they are able to get is the dollar amount from the prior year’s levy.

Auditor Reimer also reported that the Auditor’s office received pushback from the Towner County Hospital Authority regarding them missing the deadline and trying to push the blame to the Auditor’s office saying multiple reminders were not provided. Auditor Reimer reported that she sent a reminder of what is required of the taxing entities via email, followed by a hard-copy letter, on July 5, 2024, which indicated the N.D.C.C. deadline of August 10th. Auditor Reimer explained that the Auditor’s office will not be chasing taxing entities to complete their requirements.

The Commission reported that this is not the first time that these entities have missed the deadlines, and thanked the Auditor for the update.

Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review indicating a current, unrestricted cash balance as of August 31, 2024 of $6,012,074.76.

Farm to Market Fund Closure

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the transfer of the Farm to Market Fund to the roads as directed from law. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for October 8, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




August 6, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on August 6, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse. President Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Bob Hallaway, Doug Berg and Lance Teubner.


Commissioner Odermann presented an ARPA application from the Rocklake Boosters to be added to the agenda. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Hallaway and seconded by Commissioner Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reporte that they are graveling but running out of gravel.  Rinas asked the Commission for guidance on how to proceed with the gravel remaining. Rinas said that he would like to stop everyone apart from the county truck from hauling gravel. The Commission supported the suggestion presented by Rinas.

Rinas indicated that he had received a phone call earlier in the day regarding culverts on a township road. Discussion on this was briefly held but saved until the visitors arrived to discuss fully.


 Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that they have been staying busy. Hillier stated he would like to amend his submitted budget to add a new patrol car to next year. Commission discussed the age of the vehicles in rotation currently and how each is holding up. Hillier also reported that six body cameras and one patrol camera were purchased for the department. Auditor Reimer reminded that the body cameras are to be partially funded with a previously approved ARPA grant.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Voight presented the Structural Report from ICON on the courthouse. The report was received earlier in the day, so Voight had been unable to fully review what was suggested. However, he was able to report to the commission that through discussions with the engineer when he was on site that the current status of the courthouse is not good. Further discussion on the structural report was deferred to the building committee for further investigation.

The Commissioner discussed the facilities budgets, for both the courthouse and the armory. Small amendments were made to the submitted budget to be further reviewed during the preliminary budget review.

Visitors and Delegations:

Extension & Weed Board - Lindy Berg

Auditor Reimer informed the commission that Berg was instructed to complete the budgets differently than in the past, so there would be significant changes when looking at the budget-to-budget comparison. Then, Berg presented the budgets for Extension & Weed Board. Upon thorough review, the commission had several questions regarding the weed board budget. The commission asked the weed board to review the budget at their next meeting and report back to the commissioners.  

Towner County Parks - Mike Britain

Britain stated sand had been brought in at Snyder’s Lake. He reported that Snyder’s Lake was full of activity on the Forth of July when he stopped by and everyone was happy with the sandy beach. Britain hoped to have playground sets fully in place with rubber mulch for next summer at Armourdale and Snyder’s Lake.

Picton and Sidney Section Line/Culverts – Tom McCloud

Township residents Tom McCloud, Trent Haberstroh, Ed Overby, Andy Gores, Landowner Chad Lawler and his legal representation, Bruce Gibbens, and members of the Water Resource Board Randy Benson, Greg Plemel, and Gary Wirth were present to discuss the construction of a new road on the section line between Picton and Sidney Townships. After a discussion to clarify what was requested of the commission, it was determined that the policy of the County has been to pay for culverts 36 inches and larger on Township roads, but the County would not be responsible for the installation, dirt work or hydrology study. The Commission also indicated that for them to proceed, they would need to be provided with an official hydrology study which would indicate the exact culvert requirements.

Old Business:

No old business.

New Business:

Budget Transfers

Auditor Reimer presented the budget transfers. It was discussed that these are the budget transfers that were approved in the 2024 budget. No changes were made from the transfers in the approved budget. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve budget transfers for 2024. Upon roll call, motion passed with no dissents.

Public Budget Hearing

The Board of Commissioner set the public budget hearing for October 8, 2024 at 9:00 am at the Towner County Court House Commissioner Room.

Abatement Application

After significant discussion, Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to deny the application due to the application being submitted well passed the deadline. Upon roll call vote, the motion passed with no dissents.

Zoning Permit- Reemtsma

Commissioners reviewed the zoning permit submitted by Karen Reemtsma. Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the application as presented. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

ARPA Application- City of Rocklake

The Board of Commission discussed the ARPA application from the City of Rocklake for their water tower project. After clarification of when the ARPA funds need to be committed, the Commissioners tabled the application to a later meeting.

ARPA Application- Rocklake Boosters

The Board of Commission discussed the ARPA application from the Rocklake Boosters. Commissioner Lagein indicated that he is on the board of the Rocklake Boosters. After discussion, the Board of Commissioners decided that there was no conflict of interest and that Commissioner Lagein should vote on the issue. After discussion on the application, Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to accept the application as presented. Upon roll call vote, the motion passed with no dissents.

Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review 

Commissioner Teubner left at 9:52

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review indicating the current, unrestricted cash balance as of July 31, 2024 is $6,529,301.05.

Auditor Reimer presented the current pledged asset report from our financial institutions. The current assets pledged cover our financial assets held in the institutions.

Commissioner Teubner returned at 10:38

Auditor Reimer presented the 2025 Preliminary Budget for the County. The Commission reviewed, in detail, the items presented. There was a discussion on the Victim Witness Advocate funding. Auditor
Reimer and State’s Attorney Frey indicated that the amount available for funding may be less in the 2025 year, but no official notice has yet been provided of the award.

Discussion was also held related to the Auditor position. Auditor Reimer indicated that the amount budgeted was for a full-time auditor. It was discussed that while Reimer has no interest to move to full-time, a full-time position needs to be budgeted for in case of a change in personnel. The Commission agreed with this method.

Commissioner Hallaway asked Auditor Reimer how the hired 20-hour work week is working. Auditor Reimer reported that she had spoken with Commissioner Berg, the Auditor’s office head, and it was decided to increase her hours to a 30 hour week, so she has been working a 30 hour week for a month currently, and it was going well.

After further discussion on budget items, Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to increase the mills levied in the General Fund to 70, from 66.82 in the previous year. The Commission discussed. It was noted that increasing the mills would still result in an approximate $252,000 to be pulled from reserves to fund the budget. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.


Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for September 5, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




July 9, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on July 9, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse and virtually via Zoom.  Vice Chairman David Lagein called the meeting to order.  Present were Commissioners Doug Berg and Bob Hallaway. Present virtually via Zoom were Commissioners Matt Odermann and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Odermann and seconded by Commissioner Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2024 regular meeting, the June 24, 2024 special meeting, and the June 4, 2024 Board of Equalization meeting were made by Commissioner Berg and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reports that they are blading and adding gravel as able. Rinas reports that the county is going to run out of gravel soon and no more will be available until the spring as he is unable to find anyone to come crush. He reports that there is a high chance that the County will be in the same position in the spring of waiting for gravel to be crushed. Rinas reports that he hopes that the gravel will last until fall, but he is not confident that it will. Rinas asked the Commission what they would like to do, for example, go back to county only gravel or any other suggestions. The Commission discussed but no decision was made.

Rinas reported that he and State’s Attorney Joshua Frey met with Erickstad regarding the road encroachments, and he will be putting the encroachments back to county specifications. Commissioner Berg asked if anything has been sent to the Westlind Group regarding their encroachments. Rinas reported that he will be providing the information to Frey for the letters to go out.

Commissioner Berg asked if the County could haul and stockpile gravel anywhere, but Rinas reports that he is unsure where the County could store the stockpiles as it doesn’t own significant land areas within the County.

Commissioner Hallaway asked Rinas about a shared township/county road regarding who is installing the culverts. This was discussed.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reports that he’s working on the budget. None of the classes reported on last month have started yet. Hillier reported that so far, the summer is going well. Hillier reported that the sheriff’s department ended up needing to work the Cando Day’s Street dance as the hired private security was not present.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Absent and nothing to report on his behalf.

Visitors and Delegations:

No visitors present.

Old Business:

No old business.

New Business:

Dissolution of the City of Perth

The Board of Commission discussed the petition for the dissolution of the City of Perth. Commissioner Odermann moved, seconded by Hallaway, to provide the County Auditor the authority to schedule a special election, appoint the election board, and anything else as required to complete the special election.

ARPA Application

The Board of Commission discussed the ARPA application from the Towner County Ambulance Service, Inc. Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the application as presented. Based on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.


Opioid Litigation Funds Plan:

The Board of Commission discussed the plan suggested by Majusta Kleven, Towner County Public Health. State’s Attorney Joshua Frey was on hand to provide clarification on the requirements. Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Odermann, to approve the plan as presented. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Auditor Mindy Reimer reported that the State Auditor’s office was made aware of N.D.C.C. 11-11-11, which requires the Board of Commission to direct the County Auditor to prepare financial statements according to generally accepted accounting principles to be available for public inspection by November 15 of the following year. Generally accepted accounting principles is not the way that the County’s financial statements have been prepared, and to comply with this law, it is going to be a significant cost for the County to complete these. The Commission discussed this and what this means for the County as a whole, and Reimer will be contacting the State Auditor’s office and the ND legislative for additional information.

Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review the current, unrestricted cash balance as of June 30, 2024 was $6,692,732.67.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Odermann moves, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for August 6, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                                                               Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                                              Auditor/Treasurer




June 4, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on June 4, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Teubner and seconded by Commissioner Berg. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Kevin Rinas reports that the road department is working to spread the gravel throughout the county. He has contractors lined up and as soon as the weather clears up and the roads dry up, the gravel will be spread.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that they have been busy with the nicer weather. He reports that there are trainings lined up for some of the staff and deputy. The trainings lined up are a drug class, a student resource officer class, and a law enforcement/administration class.

Commissioner Odermann questioned Hillier what is the Sheriff’s department’s policy or plan for issuing citations in emergent situations. Sheriff Hillier answered saying that it is largely left up to the deputy, but the Sheriff’s department looks at the whole picture and takes into consideration the safety of entire public at large in these kind of situations in the hopes of preventing larger catastrophes.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Facilities Manager Voight presented bids obtained for opening the walls of the court house. After discussion, it was agreed to go with the lowest bidder on the project. Voight also reported that the boiler parts should be here this month.

Visitors and Delegations:

Lindy Berg, NDSU Extension / Weed Board:

Lindy Berg reports that the NDSU Extension is full of programs this summer. Berg reports that there are 3 applicants for the Belzer Scholarship. Berg reports that the Weed Board is getting calibrated and as soon as the weather clears up. She plans to wrap us as much as possible before going on leave in August.

Brady Peterson:

Brady Peterson questioned the Commissioners regarding where the gravel needs to go. Commissioner Odermann answered Mr. Peterson saying that a schedule was made regarding the needs of the gravel. Mr. Peterson reports that the roads around his house are messy and hardly travelable. Kevin Rinas, Highway Superintendent, reported that they are trying to get the gravel where it needs to go. He is held hostage by the weather.

Commission discussed with Kevin Rinas the plan for the year and if additional funds are required to catch up on the gravel roads.

Mr. Peterson requests to see records of past gravel spreading throughout the county. K. Rinas says that there are gravel records at the shop, and he will be able to provide that for Mr. Peterson.

Board of Equalization Meeting:

Commissioner Odermann called the Board of Equalization meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Odermann turned the meeting over to Tax Director Sheri Leas. Leas reported that her software updated to newer tables, but based on the calculations and sales ratio, she was not required to raise valuations significantly. She indicated that the residential ratio was 96.1 and the agricultural ratio was 95.2. She presented the notable changes to cities and townships. A motion was made by Commissioner Hallaway, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the notable changes to cities and townships as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Leas reported that the agricultural land with soil value per acre. She reported that no major change was needed on the agricultural land. A motion was made by Commissioner Teubner, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the agricultural land as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Leas presented the inundated land applications. A motion was made by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the inundated land applications as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Commissioner Odermann closed the meeting at 10:15 a.m.

Old Business:

Towner County Logo:

Auditor Reimer presented the newly selected Towner County logo and the corresponding letterhead. Commission approved the logo and the newly designed letterhead.

New Business:

Zoning Permit – American Tower / Verizon Wireless

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the permit as applied. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

2025 Compensation – Salary Increases

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to provide a 4% salary increase to staff. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed with Berg and Hallaway dissenting.

2025 Compensation – Benefit Changes

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to increase family health benefits to be a 60% County share. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed with Berg and Hallaway dissenting.

Budgeting/Mill Levy Direction

The Commission discussed the direction the county wants to go regarding the mill levy in connection with the proposed property tax elimination on the ballot. The Commission directed Auditor Reimer to prepare some breakdowns between the current mill levy level, some moderate increases, and will a full max of our home rule mill levy.



Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review showing the current, unrestricted cash balance as of May 31, 2024 was $7,092,833.63.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for July 9, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




May 14, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on May 14, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Commissioner Odermann asked to amend the agenda to include a report from the States Attorney following the Road department report. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2024 regular meeting and the April 25, 2024 special meeting was made by Commissioner Teubner and seconded by Commissioner Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Kevin Walford and Brandon Padilla presented a quote for a new motor-grader. The price difference hasn’t changed. Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the purchase of a new motor grader as presented by Butler representatives. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Road Supervisor Rinas reported that the roads are continuing to be bladed as required, but the rain continues to cause issues with the roads.



States Attorney – Joshua Frey

State’s Attorney Frey reported on the road encroachments. Letters have been drafted to send out to the land owners to remedy the encroachments within the 20 days limit. After discussion, the Board of Commission approved the letters and requested they be sent out as drafted.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Andrew Hillier presented on the agreement with Rolette County regarding using their facilities to hold prisoners. Commissioner Lagein, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the agreement as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Commissioner Lagein questioned State’s Attorney Frey and Sheriff Hillier how cities that do not have a police presence regarding vicious dogs within the city.

Sheriff Hillier reported that the old jail is in the process of being cleaning out.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Facilities Manager Voight reported that he is in the process of replacing parts of the furnace. The new parts should be ready within a month or so.

Voight reported that he has one bid regarding the wall openings. A second bid is expected, so presentations on the bid will come later.

Voight reported that he and State’s Attorney Frey is still working on a new contract with the school for the next year.

Towner County Public Hearing – Closure of Section Line:

At 8:30 a.m., Commissioner Odermann called the Towner County Public Hearing over the closure of a section line in Sidney Township to order. Present at the hearing were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner. Others present for the meeting were Chad Lawler, petitioner, Trent Haberstroh, township resident, and States Attorney Joshua Frey.

Commissioner Odermann asked State’s Attorney Frey to give a rundown on the process of section lines and closing them.

Commissioner Odermann called on petitioner Chad Lawler to present the reasoning for closing the section line. Commission held a discussion regarding the closure of the section line and included questions from Mr. Haberstroh.

Following discussion, Commissioner Hallaway moved that the petition contains a lack of public benefit, seconded by Commissioner Berg. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents. The petition has been dismissed.

Public hearing closed at 9:04 a.m.



Visitors and Delegations:

Brendan Weltin, Bisbee City Councilman:

Brendan Weltin presented on the issues with Big Coulee (Bisbee) Dam. He is looking forward to the future that the City of Bisbee and Towner County working together in regards to the Big Coulee Dam. Weltin reported that the city of Bisbee has until August 31, 2024 to make some of the repairs required from the State Report. Commissioner Lagein suggested the Towner County Water Resource Board, North Dakota Department of Transportation, and other options for funding assistance to complete the repairs at Big Coulee Dam.

Michael Britain, Towner County Park Board:

Michael Britain reported that the fishing pier and dock are in at Armourdale, but not yet at Snyder’s Lake as there is going to be a couple loads of sand to be put onto the beach before the dock goes in. Britain also reported on the Big Coulee Dam.

Old Business:

Regional Livestock Planning Grant:

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to accept the recommendation of the Towner County Economic Development Corporation and to adopt the resolution. All commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

New Business:

Zoning Permit Application – Northern Plains – Utility Crossing:

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the application as presented. All commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Mountain Lakes Human Service Zone Appointment – 2 year terms:

Commissioner Odermann appointed Majusta Kleven and Douglas Berg to the Mountain Lakes Human Service Zone with a term ending December 31, 2025.

9-1-1 Agreement with Cavalier County:

Emergency Manager Lori Beck presented the updated 911 agreement with Cavalier County. Beck noted that there has been a change of compensation calculation for Cavalier County, but rather than being based on estimates, Towner County will be based on an approved budget, which means the County will be paying 1 year behind. Commissioner Lagein, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the agreement as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Primary Election Canvass Board – June 24, 2024:

Commissioner Odermann appointed Douglas Berg is on the election canvass board and Dave Lagein as alternate.


HR Update:

Auditor Reimer reported the plans for the newly enacted onboarding process for all county employees. The commission discussed and agreed with the plan moving forward.

Comp Time Policy:

Auditor Reimer presented the drafted compensation time policy. Commission discussed the draft policy and has decided to not enact the policy and continue as currently running.

2025 Compensation Intentions:

The Commission discussed the compensation intention for the upcoming 2025 budget year. Commissioner Hallaway moved to increase the family healthcare benefit to be a 75% share paid for by the County, seconded by Commissioner Teubner. Commission discussed this option. Upon a roll call vote, the motion failed with dissents from Commissioners Teubner, Berg, and Lagein; motion failed.

The Commission directed Auditor Reimer to research the compensation levels for various levels of family coverage as well as research within the neighboring counties regarding any additional benefits for single employees.

Towner County Logo:

Commission gave permission for Auditor Reimer to pursue a logo for Towner County.


Nothing noted.

Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review with the current, unrestricted cash balance as of April 30, 2024 being $7,176,480.49.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for June 4, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.




Matt Odermann                                                              Mindy S. Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                                 Auditor/Treasurer




April 2, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on April 2, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Teubner and seconded by Commissioner Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Supervisor Rinas reported that he had received some plans for bridge replacements in Zion Township and on the Smeltzer road. The commission discussed how and if to proceed. The commission directed Supervisor Rinas to look into funding through the water board with special assessments.

Supervisor Rinas reported that blading hasn’t started yet but will be soon.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that the designated for ARPA funding body cameras are no longer available. He spoke with a Motorola salesman, and the current plans require cloud storage for the cost of approximately $20,000. Sheriff Hillier said that the County doesn’t have enough footage to warrant that kind of a cost, so he is looking into other options that allow for in-house storage of footage. Sheriff Hillier reported that he will not be using the ARPA funds for the body cameras, so that funding can be reallocated.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Supervisor Voight reported that North County Heating and Air Conditioning replaced the condenser in the 8-year old heat pump at TC Public Health.

Voight also reported that the Armory is currently being used heavily by North Star baseball. Voight and State’s Attorney Frey are working on drafting a new with the school to eliminate the lack of communication over usage.

Visitors and Delegations:

Kevin Walford and Brandon Padilla were present from Butler Machinery Company to report that the latest purchased MotorGrader was delivered. The Commission discussed the current 7-year rotation plan for blade purchases. The Commission asked Walford and Padilla to come back at the May 7, 2024 meeting to present prices and packages for a new blade to keep with the current 7-year rotation.

Bids for the Mowing of County Parks

Chairman Odermann opened the received bid for the mowing of County Parks. The bid was received from Jason Svir and contained a copy of his insurance coverage. Svir’s bid for the next 3-year period had a 4% increase over the previous 3-year period bid, which resulted in a total of $7,500 for the year. Commission discussed the bid with Towner County Park Supervisor Mike Britain. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to accept the bid as presented. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Towner County Park Supervisor – Mike Britain

Supervisor Mike Britain reported that a play set will be installed this summer at Snyder’s Lake recreational area. Britain has also acquired an additional play set that can be installed at Armourdale once missing pieces are ordered and received. Commission discussed these installations, specifically questioning the issue of vandalism at these sites. Britain reported that a game camera has been purchased and will be installed to help monitor the vandalism situations.

Britain also reported that a second porta-potty will be installed at Snyder’s Lake recreational area for the season. He also reported that sand will be delivered for the beach at Snyder’s Lake.

Old Business:

Northern Plains Resource Conservation and Development Council

The commission discussed the information provided by the Northern Plains Resource Conservation and Development Council. After discussion, it was decided to pass on the membership and not to proceed.



New Business:

Towner County Medical Center Exercise Room

Commissioner Teubner reported that City of Cando Mayor Rollie Bjornstad asked if the County would have any interest in the exercise equipment from the TCMC exercise room. Commission discussed this opportunity and decided not to pursue.

Zoning Permit – Maertens

Commission discussed the zoning permit application to install bins. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Teubner, to approve the application as presented. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Commissioner Hallaway asked Auditor Reimer how the auditor transition is going and how the first quarter of the year has gone. Commission discussed the current transition plan with Reimer as well as the plan for the rest of the year.

Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review showing a net positive $37,503.66 result. The current, unrestricted cash balance as of March 31, 2024 was $7,517,821.80.

Monthly Bills

Commissioner Teubner moves, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the bills as presented. Upon on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for May 7, 2024.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




March 5, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on March 5, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse. Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order. Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to add the Northern Plains Resource Conservation and Development Council to the agenda and then approve the agenda as amended was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway. All Commissioners voted aye; motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2024 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Teubner and seconded by Commissioner Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Superintendent Rinas reports that the old shop in Hansboro is falling down and it is unfixable. Once the door is able to be opened, the valuable property (i.e. payloader, etc.) will be removed. Commissioners discussed and determined this was a decision for Superintendent Rinas.

Rinas also reported that the maintenance crew has been running since this latest storm. Currently, all is running smoothly with no breakdowns.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported on his ARPA requests. He reported that the body cameras are failing quickly now that the 5-year warranty is up. He also discussed the second request to outfit the new patrol car. The estimate provided takes into account using certain useable equipment from an older vehicle and then auctioning the old car.

Sheriff Hillier also reported that he met with Border Control over the 2024 Stonegarden Grant. He reported that the same amount of money ($80,000 in overtime and 50% of a new patrol car) were requested. This is just the initial stages, so it is too early to tell if the grant will be awarded. He did report that FEMA doesn’t like having FEMA funds purchasing the more than 50% of fleet vehicles. Currently, Towner County is sitting right around the 50% mark, so Sheriff Hillier doesn’t see this being an issue for the County.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Supervisor Voight reports that the boiler will be tore down and rebuilt in this spring. Voight reports that he is dealing with a smaller supplier that holds the patent on the design, so this is the only option available.

Snow clearing has gone well.

Visitors and Delegations:


Old Business:


New Business:

HB 1437 – Livestock Planning Grants

Commissioners discussed the grant and if the county would be interested in going into this grant. The commission decided to pass it the Towner County Economic Development Corporation for further investigation.

ARPA Applications

Towner County Road Department – SIRN Radios

The Commissioners discussed this application. The details of this application were discussed in the February 12, 2024 regular meeting. Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the ARPA application as submitted for the purchase of the SIRN radios. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Towner County Sheriff Department – Body Cameras

The Commissioners discussed the application. Questions were posed to Sheriff Hillier to clarify the application and to determine if the software used is a one-time charge or a recurring charge. Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the ARPA application as submitted. Upon a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.

Towner County Sheriff Department – Outfit New Sheriff Vehicle

The Commissioners discussed the application. Commissioner Teubner suggested waiting until the outfitting is complete to see how the costs come in and what was able to be used from the old vehicle. The Commissioners discussed and decided to deny the application as presented but provided that Sheriff Hillier can apply once the outfitting is complete and all the costs are finalized.

Gaming Permit – Towner County Medical Center

Auditor Reimer asked about a fee schedule for the gaming applications that are submitted to the County for approval. After discussion, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to set the application fee for a local raffle permit to $25.

The Commissioners discussed the raffle gaming permit application from the Towner County Medical Center for a raffle to be held at the Cando Golf Course on July 9, 2024. After discussion, Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the permit. All Commissioners voted aye; motion carried.

Northern Plains Resource Conservation and Development Council

The Commissioners discussed. After a discussion, it was decided to table making a decision on joining this council until it has been determined if the County is currently a member.


Commissioner Berg questioned both State’s Attorney Frey and Road Supervisor Rinas as to the status of the road encroachments within the County and if they have been repaired. State’s Attorney Frey reported that no letters have been sent as of yet due to the weather and the inability of the recipients to fix the road issues with the current weather, however, when the weather improves, letters indicating that the issues be fixed within 30 days will be sent out.

The Commissioners discussed the bridge situation in the County as well as if there are any plans for bridge projects in the current year. Discussion was held on which bridges would need to be replaced or if a culvert would be better suited. Supervisor Rinas will contact Jessica from Wold Engineering to provide estimates and options for the bridges under review.

Financial Report:

Year to Date Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-to-date financial review showing a net positive $1,234,073.59 result. The current, unrestricted cash balance as of February 29, 2024 was $7,577,236.87.

Monthly Bills

After review and discussion, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the bills as presented. Based on a roll call vote, motion passed with no dissents.


Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for April 2, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




February 13, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on February 13, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the January 2, 2024 regular meeting and January 15, 2024 special meeting was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Hallaway.  All commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Approved minutes of November 7, 2024 were reviewed. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg to amend the minutes to say “to approve salary increase for Joni Morlock resulting in the total wage for the two-part time positions, with benefits per the employee manual, to be $89,237.59.” Upon a roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion carried.

Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

Road Supervisor Kevin Rinas presented a total quote of $19,934.38 for a Loadrite SMART loader scale system to be installed on the loader at the County’s pit. This scale system would keep track of the loads going out and each individual taking loads out would be tracked, which would ease paperwork and administration time for the road department secretary. After discussion, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to give Kevin Rinas the authority to continue pursuing the Loadrite system and to use the LAFTA funds to pay for the expenditure. Upon a roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Supervisor Rinas also presented that the radios in the road equipment needs to be replaced. After discussion, Supervisor Rinas was directed to purchase 4 – 6 portable radios rather than one radio in every piece of equipment to then be used as needed. ARPA money will be used to fund the balance.

Sheriff Department – Sheriff Andrew Hillier

Sheriff Hillier reported that Richie Juarez will be starting February 21, 2023 as special investigator. Once he starts, he will be at the school and funding will resume from the school.

Sheriff Hillier also reported that a new department vehicle has been ordered, but the equipping of the vehicle is somewhat unknown. There are some utilities that will be able to be reused from other vehicles or from spare parts, but there will also need to be newly ordered items to finish equipping the vehicle. The cost of the need to be ordered parts is unknown.

Sheriff Hillier will meet with Border Patrol to discuss the upcoming grant period, what the County Sheriff Department can do for the Border Patrol and what the funding will look like.

Sheriff Hillier reported that he sat in on a brainstorming zoom meeting regarding the building of a regional jail. This regional jail would involve counties such as Walsh, Trail, among others. This is purely in the brainstorming stage but is something to consider for the future rather than hauling our prisoners to the jail in Rugby.

Facilities Maintenance – William Voight

Facilities Maintenance Supervisor William Voight reported that the heat pump in Public Health is out. They have been using their supplemental heat for 3 weeks and it is a further 4 week wait to get parts. Facilities Supervisor Voight reported that the heat pump system is 10 years old, so repair expenses are to be expected.

Voight also reported that the plumbing in the Armory area of the building is a mess. The pipes have been cleaned as well as they could, however, the bad pipes will be abandoned as they are simply rotted out and not worth fixing. Because of this, the showers on the main floor and the upstairs bathroom will be eliminated.

Voight reported that the fuel tank located on the west side of the Armory building is nearly an 8,000 tank. He has started the research of the tank removal. After discussion, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to have Facilities Supervisor Voight continue research on the removal of the fuel tank including obtaining a quote for said removal. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Lagein and Odermann voted aye; Commissioners Hallaway, Berg, and Teubner voted nay; motion failed.

Visitors and Delegations:

NDSU Extension Agent Lindy Berg presented on the NDSU extension office, indicating several activities and trainings are coming in the near future, including:

  • Pesticide training

  • “Stop the Bleed” – March 2024 in Devils Lake

    • Training to learn quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out

  • “Design your Succession Plan” – March 2024

    • Training to help farm/ranch families start succession planning of their family farms

  • “Emergency Response Preparedness for Foreign Animal Diseases and Mass Livestock Mortalities” – June and September 2024 in Carrington

    • Hands-on training to help Extension agents, emergency managers and responders, veterinarians, and veterinarian technicians to deal with the different aspects of foreign animal diseases and mass livestock mortalities.

NDSU Agent Berg reported that applications will be open for the Belzer Scholarship, which will be awarded in May. This scholarship is open for residents of Towner County that are attending either a 2-year credited technical college for agriculture or for any Towner County resident that is attending a 4-year college/university in any area of study.

The 4-H program has scheduled their archery tournament. This has been one of their larger and more successful events.

NDSU Agent Berg has reported that advertisements have gone out for weed sprayers. The Weed Board has had contact with one individual, Marie Berg, who will be submitting and application to spray.

Old Business:

Telecommuting Policy

The telecommuting policies were discussed. There were two separate policies presented. Policy 528 Permanent or Fixed Telecommuting and Policy 530 Occasional Telecommuting were discussed.

After discussion, Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve Policy 528 Permanent or Fixed Telecommuting as presented. Upon a roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

After discussion, Commissioner Hallaway moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve Policy 530 Occasional Telecommuting as presented. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Lagein, Odermann, Hallaway, and Teubner voted aye; Commissioner Berg voted nay; motion passed.

New Business:

Opioid Litigation

States Attorney Josh Frey was on hand to present an update on the opioid litigation. After discussion, Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to voluntarily dismiss the case against Kroeger Foods; motion passed.

Upon further discussion regarding the process of the opioid cases moving forward, Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to form a temporary committee of Commissioner Berg, Auditor Reimer, and States Attorney Frey to adjudicate opioid case dismissals as they deem necessary; motion passed.

States Attorney Frey and Commissioners discussed where the funds received from the lawsuit can go and be spent for. Commission expectations of funds to be received is less than $10,000 over the next several years, so specific expenditures will be discussed as required.

Clerk of Court Funding

Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to continue sharing the cost of funding the district Clerk of Court position with the State of North Dakota. Upon roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

ARPA Applications

Towner County Historical Society: Commissioners discussed the application for ARPA funds from the Towner County Historical Society, noting that the costs are a one-time expenditure. Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Commissioner Lagein, to approve the $26,000 as requested. Upon a roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Towner County Ambulance Service, Inc.: Commissioners discussed the application for ARPA funds from the Towner County Ambulance Service, Inc., noting that there are both one-time expenditures and ongoing/operational costs requested. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to deny the application as presented; motion passed. Commissioners decide to include in the letter to the applicant that the Towner County Commission will not approve an application to fund operations, however, a cost share application for a fixed-purchase application would be entertained.

Employee Policy Manual:

Auditor Reimer presented the updated employee policy manual. She reported that no significant changes were made, apart from the added and approved telecommuting policy, but rather a full-clean up of the document had been done. Auditor Reimer also reported that the policy manual has gone through and received approval from all department heads, and upon commission approval, will go out to all employees for a signed acknowledgement of receipt, reading, and understanding of the document. Commission discussed the updated manual and approved as presented.


Commissioner Teubner moved, seconded by Commissioner Berg, to approve the Zoning Permit Application from Dana and Shari Timms; motion passed.

Gaming Permit:

Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Hallaway, to approve the application for the Golf Club Gaming Permit after appropriate corrections to the application have been made; motion passed.

Financial Report:

Financial Review:

Auditor Reimer presented the January financial information, which included the fund balances for the month ending as well as the overall county balance sheet, which indicated total cash of $8,528,780.35 being held by the County, of which, $1,176,209.35 will be paid out to entities and $409,753.27 is held as restricted cash, resulting in $6,942,817.73 held as unrestricted cash. Commissioners discussed and approved.

Monthly Bills – discussion – moved by berg, seconded by Teubner to approve; roll call all passed.

After review and discussion, Commissioner Berg moved, seconded by Teubner, to approve all the bills as presented. Upon a roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for March 5, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer





January 15, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in special session on January 15, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. virtually via Zoom for the purpose of approving the newly renamed precincts due to the resolution of the Turtle Mountain v Howe lawsuit.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein and Commissioner Lance Teubner.

Joni Morlock presented the newly renamed precincts, explaining that Towner County is now fully in legislative district 15 rather than being split between districts. No further discussion was held. Commissioner Lagein moved, seconded by Commissioner Teubner, to approve the precincts as presented. Motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned by motion.







Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer





January 2, 2024


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on January 2, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.


Motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lagein and seconded by Commissioner Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.


Motion to approve the minutes of the November 7, 2023 and December 5, 2023 regular meetings was made by Commissioner Hallaway and seconded by Commissioner Lagein.  All Commissioners voted aye; motion carried. 

Reorganization of officers:

Auditor Mindy Reimer opened up nominations for Chairman. Matt Odermann was nominated. Commissioner Lagein moved and Commissioner Teubner seconded to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Odermann. All commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Chairman Odermann opened nominations for Vice-Chairman. Dave Lagein was nominated. Commissioner Berg moved and Commissioner Teubner seconded to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Lagein. All commissioners voted aye; motion carried.

Reorganization of department and committee assignments:

Commissioners discussed the various committee assignments. Commissioner Odermann appointed the assignments as follows with no further discussion held and no objections heard.


Department reports:

Road Department – Kevin Rinas:

No report from the Road Department.


Sheriff – Sheriff Andrew Hillier:

Sheriff Hillier reported a calm holiday. The newly hired deputy, Dalton Stern, is now licensed and is in the process of being fully equipped. A couple of sheriff department cars had mechanical issues over the weekend and will be looked at by the mechanic hopefully this week. Sheriff is working on the third bid for the additional vehicle with the share cost with the Stonegarden grant. Discussion was held on the recruitment of additional deputies and any potential issues, i.e. housing, that could pose additional hindrances.


State’s Attorney – Josh Frey

State’s Attorney Frey was on hand to clarify the intentions of the investigator roll. Commissioners discussed the $10,000 payment to the Task Force. It was determined that, in the short term, the commission is ok with continuing the payment. Frey reported strong interest in the position, even prior to advertisement.


Facilities Maintenance – William Voight


William Voight reported that no building committee had been held since the prior month. The Court House pipes/drains had been capped down at the city plumbing level – 4 feet below ground level. The sink in the breakroom is functional now. Voight reported there was a small electrical fire in the Armory but no significant damage was discovered.


Visitors and Delegations:


Old Business:


New Business:

Employee Policy

Holiday Schedule: Commissioners discussed the Juneteenth holiday and the recognition of it. Commissioner Teubner moved to change the observation of the Juneteenth holiday from June 19, 2024 to July 5, 2024. Commissioner Hallaway seconded the motion; motion carried.

Telecommuting Policy: Discussion was held on enacting an official telecommuting policy. After discussion, it was decided to send the drafted policy back to department heads to discuss and bring forward again at a future Commissioner meeting.

Cafeteria Plan

The Resolution for the Cafeteria Benefit plan was reviewed. Commissioner Lagein moved and Commissioner Hallaway seconded to approve the resolution as presented. All commissioners voted aye; motion carried.

Financial Report

Monthly Bills

After review and discussion, Commissioner Teubner moved and Commissioner Berg seconded to approve the December bills as presented. Upon roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion carried.

Year End Financial Review

Auditor Reimer presented the year-end financial statements, noting few specific items. The year-end financial report was discussed and accepted as presented.

Amendments to the Budget

Auditor Reimer reviewed the amendments to the budget. It was noted that overall, the property tax review was lower than budgeted across all funds. There were significant over-expenditures in the county road and highway tax department as were known by the Commissioners. There was discussion regarding the Weed Control fund. No further discussion was held. Commissioner Hallaway moved and Commissioner Berg seconded to approve the amendments as recommended by the County Auditor. Upon roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye; motion passed.

Meeting Schedule:

The next meeting was set for February 13, 2024.

The meeting adjourned by motion and second from Commissioners Teubner and Hallaway.






Matt Odermann                                                            Mindy S. Reimer

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




December 5, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on December 5, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to amend the minutes of the November 7, 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Kevin Walford, Butler Equipment, was on hand to introduce the new sales person Brandon Padilla.  Walford also stated the payloader the County had purchased would be in next week.  Road Supervisor Kevin Rinas stated they were still blading roads minimally.

Sheriff Hillier stated he had made a conditional offer to an applicant but was also losing another officer.  Hillier presented a salary schedule that included a 12% increase for Sheriff’s deputies that would cover incentive pay for existing deputies and a higher starting salary for potential candidates.  Back to the Blue grant money of $14,423 was received.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Teubner to pay out the Back to the Blue money at Sheriff’s Hillier’s discretion as retention bonuses to the remaining Deputies. Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.  Motion by Berg, seconded by Hallaway to give a 12% increase to Sheriff department wages in 2024 in order to try to remain competitive in a market where law enforcement personnel are in short supply and high demand.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Bill Voight, Maintenance Supervisor, said he was looking at redoing the school contract and would work with the States Attorney on a new contract.  Voight stated there was a drain issue at the Armory.  There are also zone valves at the Courthouse that don’t work.  Voight stated the new Tool Cat was received. 

Anita Barrett was on hand to update the Commissioners on what was happening with the Egeland School.  Barrett stated they had found someone to tear down the school for no cost.  Barrett was wondering if they could use the County truck and backhoe with some of the teardown.  The County does not have the equipment they were looking for.  Commissioners recommended they apply for ARPA funds to pay for some of the tear down costs. 

Motion by Berg, seconded by Lagein to approve the sale of deeds on foreclosed properties to the respective Cities.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Lagein, and seconded by Teubner to approve the precincts as presented and polling center location at the Towner County Armory for the upcoming June 2024 election.  All Commissioners voted aye and motion passed. 

States Attorney Josh Frey stated he had done a lot of research on the “triangle piece” on the hog barn road.  Frey had prepared a deed to Overton’s for the piece they had previously asked for in which a fee of $3,000 per acre had been agreed upon.   A piece on the south side was still owned by Gibbens and should have been purchased as part of the road project.  Frey would talk to Gibbens to see if that small missed parcel could be purchased to clean up the project.  There was still some property the State of ND owned that Frey was trying to get ahold of someone at the NDDOT to deed it to the County. 

Frey had done research on hiring an investigator through his office.  Frey felt the best fit for the County would involve a position with an investigator, school resource officer and task force officer.  Frey was asking if he could advertise for a Lieutenant position to fill this role. This position would be under Sheriff Hillier with an MOU with the States Attorney and would use one of the Sheriff’s vacant positions.  Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Lagein to advertise the position.  Upon roll call vote all voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Lagein, and seconded by Teubner to appoint Mindy Reimer as Auditor/Treasurer as of December 21, 2023 upon the retirement of Joni Morlock. Upon roll call vote all voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Hallaway, and seconded by Lagein to approve Lance Teubner, Doug Berg, Cari Hallaway and Mindy Reimer as signers on all bank accounts at Bravera and First State Bank.  Upon roll call all voted aye.  Motion passed.   

Motion by Teubner, and seconded by Berg to pay the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.   

Jim Kaiser, National Weather Service, was on hand to recognize Lori Beck for her work in the Storm Ready Program in Towner County. 

The next meeting was set for January 2, 2024.  

The meeting adjourned by motion.




Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




November 7, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on November 7, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Addition to the agenda. Bill from Wold Engineering and Courthouse HR concerns.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the regular and special meeting was made by Berg and seconded by Teubner. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Kevin Rinas gave the commissioners updates. A motion to approve the Gravel Hauling Agreement was made by Hallaway and seconded by Teubner contingent on States Attorney Frey’s review. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. A budget exception was made for the Road Department by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway. Upon role call all commissioners vote aye, motion carried. 

Sheriff Hillier gave the commissioners updates. He addressed concerns about the lack of applicants for the open Deputy Sheriff position. He presented material from other counties in North Dakota in regards to their pay and benefits compared to Towner County. The idea of a private investigator under the States Attorney office was discussed to relieve some of the duties of Sheriff’s Department.

Commissioner Berg and Teubner gave a facilities update. The future of the armory was discussed.

Steve Anderson, Veteran Service Officer, introduced himself to the commissioners.

KLJ updated the commissioners on box culverts by Perth. They are ready to finalize the project. Motion to finalize and sign off on BRO-0048(022) was made by Hallaway and seconded by Teubner. A roll call vote was held with Teubner, Berg, Hallaway and Lagein voting aye.  Oderman voted nay.  Motion passed.

Lindy Berg, NDSU Extension, discussed the Weed Board budget. Sixteen people took advantage of the Land Owner Assistance Program. Around ninety kids participated in Safety Day this year. Lindy has reached out to the community for interest in Stop the Bleed Program.

Motion approved by Lagein and seconded by Berg for employee gift certificates of $40. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion by Lagein and seconded by Teubner to deed property back to Ryan Laverdure. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve Homestead Credit made by Teubner and seconded by Berg. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion by Lagein and seconded by Berg to approve salary increase for Joni Morlock in lieu of health insurance. The total wage for two part time non-benefited positions is $89,237.59. A roll call was held with Teubner, Berg, Odermann and Lagein voting aye. Hallaway voted nay.  Motion passed.

HR issues concerning employees were discussed between commissioners. Personnel committee was formed with Commissioner Lagein and Berg to meet with Mindy on how the Auditor/Treasurers office will run for day to day operations.

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Berg to pay the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.

The next meeting was set for December 5, 2023

The meeting adjourned by motion.





______________________________                            ______________________________

Matt Odermann                                                            Cari Hallaway

Commission Chairperson                                              Deputy Auditor





October 20, 2023


There was a special meeting of the Towner County Commissioners, via zoom, on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 8:30 a.m.  Items on the agenda included the hiring of a new Towner County Auditor/Treasurer. 


Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.  Also present were several Towner County employees, and Mindy Reimer.

Commissioner Odermann stated that a counter offer of $98,000 had been received from Val McCloud.

Commissioner Odermann stated that Mindy Reimer, CPA, a local resident that had recently move back to the area, was interested in the job.  Reimer was able to assume the position in a part time capacity.  Current Auditor/Treasurer Joni Morlock was willing to stay on, also on a part time basis, to train and help Reimer.  The proposal was that the 2 positions would total 1 full time position for $82,232, which is what it would have cost the County had Morlock not retired. 

A discussion was held on which offer would be best for the County.

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to reject the counter offer from McCloud and offer Mindy Reimer the Auditor/Treasurer position with Morlock staying on for 1 year of training and consultation.  Upon further discussion a roll call vote was held with Teubner, Berg, Odermann and Lagein voting aye.  Hallaway voted nay.  Motion passed. 


Matt Odermann                                                Joni Morlock

Commission Chairman                                     Auditor/Treasurer




October 6, 2023


A special meeting of the Towner County Commissioners was held, via zoom, on Friday, October 6, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.  Items on the agenda included:

  • Salary offer for Auditor Treasurer position (see attached spreadsheet)

  • Serving eviction notice on foreclosed property


Present at the meeting were Commission Chairman Matt Odermann, Commission Vice-Chair Dave Lagein, and Commissioners Hallaway, Berg and Teubner.  Also present was States Attorney Josh Frey.

The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Odermann.


A salary offer for Val McCloud, previous Rolette County Auditor, to assume the Towner County Auditor/Treasurer position upon the retirement of Joni Morlock was discussed.  Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Teubner to offer McCloud $86,500 contingent upon passing a background evaluation.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 


The next item on the agenda (serving the eviction notice) was not discussed.


The meeting adjourned by motion at 3:52 p.m.




Matt Odermann                                                                               Joni Morlock

Commission Chairman                                                                   Auditor/Treasurer





October 3, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on October 3, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Commissioner Berg entered the meeting at 8:02 a.m.

Jessica Tagestad, Wold Engineering, presented Federal Aid projects and stated Towner County was approximately 3 years overdrawn in Federal funds.  Tagestad stated the State would be soliciting for more bridge projects.  Bridge projects to be submitted were discussed.  A hydrology study was needed to proceed with a project in Teddy Township.    Motion by Berg, seconded by Hallaway to allow Kevin Rinas to proceed with the hydrology study.  Upon roll call vote Teubner, Berg, Hallaway and Lagein voted aye.  Odermann voted nay.  Motion passed. 

A review of project BRO-CVD-0048(022) was discussed with engineers (KLJ and Wold).  Additional gravel was needed on the project.  The alignment of the North bridge in Monroe Township was discussed with both engineers.    

Sheriff Hillier and Bill Voight gave department reports.

The Auditor/Treasurer position was discussed.  A committee consisting of Commissioners Odermann, Berg and Auditor Morlock would meet with a potential candidate. 

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway to approve two abatements within the City of Cando.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion passed.

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Teubner to appoint Dave and Jannell Lagein as delegates to the ND State Fair Association’s annual meeting.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.   

The Economic Development Director position was discussed.  Auditor Morlock stated the EDC would be severing the contract with Towner County.  The Commissioners stated it would be fine if the EDC used the Commissioner room for meetings.   

Motion to approve the agreed upon minimum sales price on foreclosed properties by Lagein, and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Brad Bergdahl was on hand to talk about the pavilion at the fairgrounds.  Bergdahl has been trying to gather support to restore the pavilion. Bergdahl was questioning whose jurisdiction the pavilion is under.  The issue was referred to the State’s Attorney to see who owns the property. 

Auditor Morlock went over the final audit report issued by Eide Bailly.  Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Berg to accept the audit report as presented.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Teubner to pay the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.

The error and omissions public hearing was held.  There were no citizens on hand. Motion to approve the error and omissions correction as presented by Hallaway and seconded by Teubner.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye. Motion passed. 

The budget hearing was held.  Upon no comments from any citizens, there was a motion by Hallaway and seconded by Berg to close the budget hearing.  All voted aye, motion passed.  Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Lagein to adopt the final budget.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The next meeting was set for November 7, 2023.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer






September 7, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on September 7, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2023 regular meeting and the Bisbee Special meeting was made by Teubner and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Kevin Walford, Butler Equipment, gave Commissioners a quote for a payloader.  The issue was tabled until the end of the meeting.  Gravel crushing was discussed.  A change order on a box culvert project by Perth to eliminate a culvert in an approach was discussed.  Motion by Lagein, and seconded by Teubner to approve change order # 1 on project BRO-CVD-0048(022) for a decrease of $3,450. All Commissioners voted aye, motion passed. 

Sheriff Hillier stated three officers were attending a training at Camp Grafton.  Hillier stated the School Resource Officer is at the school only when he is on duty which amounts to roughly 2 days a week.

Facility Maintenance Bill Voight stated a plumber had come and fixed some issues at the court house and the armory.  The Sheriff’s office will be moving to their new office next week. 

Jessica Tagestad, Wold Engineering, was on hand to go over the Federal Aid worksheet.  The meeting with the NDDOT in Bismarck will be at 3 pm on October 9th to go over the worksheet.   

The Auditor/Treasurer position was discussed. There was one applicant for the position.  A committee of Commissioners Berg, Odermann and Auditor Morlock would meet with the candidate. 

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to approve a MOU between Towner County and NDSU Extension.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Teubner to approve a utility permit for Northern Plains Electric.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Lagein to approve a JPA for 911 fees between NDACo and Towner County.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The NADCo conference and resolutions for legislation were discussed.

An error was discovered in that soil modifiers had not been applied to the valuations of several parcels. Valuations are now certified and cannot be changed.  Auditor Morlock stated that the error would be corrected through the error and omissions section of the ND Century Code.  Morlock stated that upon correction, there were two options; Either the entities would be shorted the money levied, or the County could cover the cost of the shortage (approximately $18,000).  Motion by Berg, seconded by Hallaway for the County to cover the cost of the error so that all entities would receive the dollars they levied.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway to approve the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The purchase of a new payloader was again brought to the table.  Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Berg to purchase a 938M pay loader for $265,033.09 with the amount being taken out of the general fund reserves.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The next meeting was set for October 3, 2023.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




August 8, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on August 8, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, and Bob Hallaway.  Lance Teubner was absent.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the July 6, 2023 regular meeting was made by Hallaway and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Stanley Dick, Cavalier County Commissioner, was on hand to thank the Towner County Commissioners for their support in helping to fund his attendance at the National Associations of Counties (NACO) convention.  Dick is on the agriculture committee for NACO which is a great benefit for all ND Counties when it comes to lobbying at the Federal government level. 

Sheriff Hillier stated they had completed an FBI audit which had looked at office security.  Budget requests included an increase to promote two officers.  Commissioners noted a loss of revenue from the school because of the School Resource Officer going part time at the school.  Cost of equipping a new vehicle was discussed.

Maintenance Supervisor Bill Voight said he had talked to a company that quoted him roughly $100,000 per year to lease a building for public health, extension, vso and social services.  Voight stated he had a company coming to look at opening up walls to do a structural analysis of the courthouse. Trading the Tool Cat for a new one for $4500 was discussed.  Motion to pursue trade in for the Tool Cat by Hallaway, seconded by Lagein.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Making the old Sheriff’s office a break room was discussed.  Motion by Berg, seconded by Hallaway to make the Sheriff’s office a breakroom and have all the appliances in all offices being removed, and the basement Sheriff’s space being made into an office for the Superintendent of Schools and Bill Voight.  Upon roll call vote, Berg, Hallaway, Lagein voted aye.  Odermann voted nay.  Motion passed. 

Mike Britain, County Parks, recommended that the County does not take over Bisbee Dam at this time.  Britain informed Commissioners of his budget wants at Snyder’s Lake.  Playground equipment was discussed for Snyder’s Lake.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to appoint all Commissioners and Mike Britain to the County Park Board.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Commissioner Teubner entered the meeting at 9:35 a.m. 

Lindy Berg, Extension Agent, was on hand to go over her budget.  Berg asked to increase her wage budget to more than one full time employee.  A request to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Towner County and NDSU Extension related to 4-H youth was referred to the States Attorney. 

Road Supervisor Kevin Rinas stated the bridges by Perth were open.  Road crews are busy graveling roads. 

The Auditor/Treasurer position was discussed.  Joni Morlock stated there had been no applications or interest in the position. 

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to appoint Jeff Hagler as the new Superintendent of Schools to begin December 21, 2023 when Wayne Lingen retires.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Hallway, seconded by Berg to appoint Dave Lagein as the County delegate at the October NDACO convention.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway to approve a joint powers agreement/contract with Rugby jail.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Berg to approve the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Commissioners went over and discussed the 2024 budget in detail. Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Lagein to increase the extension wage position from a 1 to a 1.15 position as requested by the Extension Agent.  Upon roll call vote, Commissioners Lagein and Hallaway voted aye.  Commissioners Odermann, Berg and Teubner voted nay.  Motion failed. Motion by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway to approve the preliminary budget.  Upon roll call, all voted aye. Motion passed

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Teubner to use Wold Engineering for the project work sheet and meeting with NDDOT at the NDACO convention.  Commissioners Lagein, Berg and Teubner voted aye.  Commissioner Odermann and Hallaway voted nay.  Motion passed. 

The next meeting was set for September 7, 2023.   

The meeting adjourned by motion at 11:45 a.m.





Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer





July 6, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on July 6, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Bids for a new blade were opened.  RDO submitted a bid for $460,000 for a 2024 blade with a $150,000 trade in on a 2017 blade.   Butler submitted a bid for $458,000 with a $165,000 trade in.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to accept the Butler bid.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

States Attorney Josh Frey stated he was going to send a letter to a citizen who had encroached on County right-of-way.  Frey is still working with Wold on the right-of-way for a triangle piece on the hog barn road.  Road Superintendent Kevin Rinas stated roads will be closed in Monroe Township for bridge repair. 

After receiving invoices for over $22,000, Frey and Sheriff Hillier discussed the issue of the cost of holding medically ill patients and how they deal with it. 

Josh Knutt, Mayor of Bisbee, was on hand to ask if the County would be interested in taking over the Bisbee Dam recreational area.  Mike Britain, County Parks, said he would be willing to take on the duties.  The City of Bisbee estimated costs to maintain the park run around $10,000.  The City of Bisbee will hold a special meeting to allow for public input.   Mike Britain stated Snyder Lake and Armourdale have been busy.  The new boat ramp at Armourdale will be completed soon. 

The Building Committee stated they had turned down the American Legion’s offer of $200 for the rental of office space. 

Interviews for preliminary engineering and design for BRJ-0048(050) were discussed.  KLJ Engineering scored 426/480 and Wold Engineering scored 432/480 on the interviews and presentation.  The Commissioners questioned the ability to overturn the recommendation of the interview committee and adjourned briefly to contact the NDDOT.  The Commissioners reconvened at 9:35 a.m.  Motion by Berg, seconded by Teubner to hire KLJ to do the preliminary design and engineering for BRJ-0048(050).  A discussion was held in which Commissioner Berg stated, that although he had rated both firms equally during the interview, he felt KLJ had done a better job describing the details of the project and was also able to do all environmental and cultural studies in house.  Berg and Commissioner Odermann both pointed out the past right-of-way issues Towner County has had with Wold Engineering.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway to advertise for the Auditor/Treasurer position State wide until August 23rd, and then do a first round of interviews.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.  The Interview committee was discussed, and will be appointed at the August meeting.   

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to approve gaming site authorization for the American Legion at the Cando Golf Club for a $100 fee. All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Teubner to approve transfers as approve in the 2023 budget.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Berg to pay the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.

Salaries for the 2024 budget were discussed and direction for the upcoming budget was given to Auditor Morlock.

The next meeting was set for August 8th.    

The meeting adjourned by motion at 10:50 a.m.






Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer





June 6, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on June 6, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the May 2, 2023 regular meeting and April 17, 2023 special meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Kevin Rinas stated they were working on the roads.  Rinas stated employees had asked if Towner County employees could have July 3rd off being the 4th was on a Tuesday.  Motion to closed County operations on July 3rd by Hallaway.  Motion died for lack of a second.  Rinas asked for a performance bonus for road workers due to the harsh winter conditions.  Commissioners also included Building Maintenance Supervisor Bill Voight in this request.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to pay an additional $1,000 to road employees and Voight (13 employees) using ARPA funds.  Upon roll call vote, Teubner, Berg, Hallaway and Lagein voted aye.  Odermann voted nay.  Motion passed.   

Kevin Walford, Butler Equipment, stated the new blade is in.  Motion by Teubner, seconded by Berg to sell the old blade, a 2015 CAT 140 Serial # N9G00132 (John) for $135,000.  Upon roll call vote all voted aye.  Motion passed.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to advertise for a new blade to be purchased in 2024 with bids being due on July 6th at 8:00 a.m.   All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 


Sheriff Hillier stated security cameras are installed.  Hillier updated the Commissioners on work the regional drug task force does in Towner County. 

Building Maintenance Bill Voight stated they are roofing the Armory.  Construction of Sheriff’s office is moving along.  Leasing space for public health was discussed and referred to the building committee.

Interviews for hiring an engineering firm for preliminary construction on project BRJ-0048(050) will be held on June 13th at 5:30 p.m. in the Towner County Commissioner meeting room.

A motion to approve a zoning permit for Verizon was made by Lagein, and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to approve an ARPA application for $1,665 to cover the additional funds needed to purchase the EM vehicle.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.

Motion by Berg, seconded by Hallaway to approve an ARPA application for $17, 268 to cover the additional funds needed to purchase a County pickup.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed.

Commissioner Lance Teubner was appointed to the Towner County School Reorganization Board.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to approve the Towner County School Reorganization Board as presented and appoint Joel Anderson (2025), Lynette Lybeck (2024), Michelle Keller (2024), Darrell Odegaard (2025) and Rob Peterson (2026).  All voted aye and motion carried.

Motion to accept the resignation of Wayne Lingen, current Superintendent of Schools, by Teubner and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Lingen is retiring on December 20, 2023. 

Motion to accept the resignation of Auditor/Treasurer Joni Morlock by Hallaway and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Morlock is retiring on December 20, 2023. 

Motion by Teubner seconded by Lagein to pay the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

New legislation was discussed and the Towner County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:40 a.m.

The Towner County Board of Equalization convened at 10:00 a.m.  Tax Assessor Sheri Leas was on hand to go over recommendations.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to approve residential and commercial property changes as recommended.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  For Ag land, the State was requiring a 9 % increase to be in compliance.  Motion by Teubner, seconded by Berg to increase the Ag property by 9% as required by the State. Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to approve inundated land.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Motion by Berg, seconded by Teubner to approve omitted property. Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  The Towner County Board of Equalization was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

The Towner County Board of Commissioners reconvened.  With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:16 a.m.

The next meeting was set for July 6th.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.







Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer





May 2, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on May 2, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Sheriff Hillier stated that they had a prisoner with medical issues that was going to cost the County a lot of money.  States Attorney Josh Frey stated the reason we still have the prisoner is because of issues with the State Hospital. 

Maintenance Supervisor Bill Voight stated the Sheriffs office would be completed in June.  NDTC had cameras installed at the Armory.  Voight stated he was working on getting an estimate for contractors to open up the courthouse for a structural integrity observation. 

States Attorney Josh Frey went over the rural attorney recruitment program.  Towner County was accepted for the program, but it could not be used to retain our current attorney.  Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Berg to retain the recruitment program.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Paul Bjornson, KLJ, stated Mikkelsen Aggregates was requesting an extension for BRO-CVD-0048(022), a bridge project by Perth.  This is a Federal Aid project and the State is not currently allowing extensions.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to deny the extension as per the State’s recommendation.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Road Supervisor Kevin Rinas stated they were working on roads which were in the usual bad spring condition.    Kevin Walford, Butler Equipment, stated our new blade would be here in June. 

Josh Frey reported that easements throughout the County were inconsistent other than the last two Federal aid projects.  Frey reported on a triangle piece left by a removed curve on the hog barn road project. The Commissioners would like to deed the piece back to the farmer. In Frey’s research, he discovered the County did not ever acquire all the property.  Frey recommended that the property first be acquired and then sold.  Motion by Berg to have Wold determine the acreage of the triangle piece. The motion failed for lack of a second.   Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Teubner to have Wold provide acreage for everything we have not acquired.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Jim Gibbens was on the agenda to inform the Commissioners of a meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 4th in Churchs Ferry to discuss the running of the pumps in Devils Lake. The issue was referred to the Towner County Water Board and Commissioners stated they would support the decision of the Water Board.   

Longevity pay was discussed.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg, to follow the recommendation of the HR consultant and not offer pay based on longevity, but rather merit.  Upon roll call vote, Commissioners Teubner, Berg, Odermann, and Lagein voted aye.  Commissioner Hallaway voted nay.  Motion passed.  HR issues were discussed with Commissioners.  Commission Chair Odermann will meet with the department heads to discuss the issues. 

The VSO office was discussed.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to hire the only applicant, Steve Anderson.  Anderson is currently working with most of the Veterans.  Upon roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway to approve gaming site authorization for the Park River Fire Department at the Cando Golf Club.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.   

Commissioners Doug Berg and Bob Hallaway, Kevin Rinas and Joni Morlock were appointed to the RFP interview committee for preliminary engineering for BRJ-0048 (050). 

Commissioner Lagein requested money to sponsor Stanley Dick to represent the region at NACO.  Motion by Berg, seconded by Lagein to approve up to $1,000 for receipted travel for Dick to attend NACO meetings. Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye. 

Motion to appoint Jeff Hagler (to replace Troy Senger) to the Public Health Board by Lagein and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye. Motion passed. 

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Teubner to pay the bills.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The next meeting was set for June 6, 2023.   

The meeting adjourned by motion.




Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer






April 17, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in special session (via Zoom) on Monday April 17, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of discussing a resolution in opposition of HB 1040 and support of SB 2239.  Present at the meeting were Chairman Matt Odermann, Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Bob Hallaway and Doug Berg. Chairman Odermann called the meeting to order.


A resolution in support of SB 2239 and opposing HB 1040 was presented to the Commissioners.  HB 1040 eliminates the NDPERS defined pension plan for any new employees.  SB 2239 would allow future legislation to reassess and infuse dollars into the program.  Either bill will force County’s to contribute addition funding.  A motion was made by Hallaway, and seconded by Berg to approve the resolution.  Upon roll call vote, all voted aye.  Motion passed. 




Matt Odermann                                                               Joni Morlock

Chairman                                                                             Auditor




April 11, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on April 11, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Doug Berg, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Radio’s for the Sheriff’s department was discussed with Sheriff Hillier.  Rotation for purchasing Sheriff’s vehicles was discussed. Sheriff Hillier stated that Stonegarden grant money for equipment was coming to an end and the County would have to purchase vehicles in the future. 

Maintenance Supervisor Bill Voight gave the commissioners a quote of $8,000 for the remodel of the second-floor office at the Memorial building.  Voight is working with NDTC for the installation of security cameras in the Armory and Courthouse.  Voight stated the Sheriff’s office remodel has started. 

Road Department Supervisor Kevin Rinas stated the road department has been doing their best with the conditions as they are.  Paul Bjornson, KLJ, gave the Commissioners an update on the box culvert project in Monroe and Grainfield Townships. 

The Veterans Service Officer position was discussed.  Commissioners Hallaway, Odermann and Auditor Morlock were put on the hiring committee to interview potential candidates. 

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to approve an Emergency flood declaration for Towner County. Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to approve a change order for the hog barn road project (SC-4819(063) for the reset of a concrete culvert.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Commissioner Odermann gave an update on the NDPERS bill.  Odermann felt NDACO had failed on the issue by sitting on the proposed bills and not doing anything for an issue that will affect hundreds of County employees. 

Lindy Berg, NDSU Extension, gave an update on weed spraying.  The highway spraying will be contracted and all other roads will be sprayed locally.  Motion by Berg, seconded by Teubner to approve Jason Peters appointment to the weed board to replace Roger Copeland.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Berg updated the Commissioners on extension activities. 

Mike Britain was on hand to discuss County Parks.  Britain stated he had secured a grant with the Game & Fish to replace the concrete ramp at Armourdale.  The County was responsible for 25% of the costs. Motion by Lagein, seconded by Berg to approve the contract with the Game & Fish.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Britain discussed putting picnic tables at Snyder Lake.  Cameras at Armourdale was discussed. 

Sale of a triangular piece of easements along the hog barn road was discussed.  There was confusion on what to deed to the land owner.  Motion to maintain ownership of 75’ on farm to market roads and 33’ on non-farm to market county roads was made by Berg and seconded by Hallaway.  Motion to rescind the previous motion was made by Berg and seconded by Hallaway.  All voted aye.  Motion passed.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to table the issue until further information regarding right away could be obtained.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion to pay the bills by Teubner and seconded by Berg.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The meeting was recessed at 10:20 a.m.

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.  ICON representative’s  Tim Olson, structural engineer and Kyle Kvamme, owner were present to answer questions.  Several questions were address and answered at the meeting.  Motion to proceed with a structural integrity observation was made by Hallaway and seconded by Berg.  Upon roll call, all vote aye.  Motion passed.

The next meeting was set for May 2nd

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. by motion.






Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer




March 7, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on March 7, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Bob Hallaway, Lance Teubner and Doug Berg.  Joni Morlock via zoom.

Additions to agenda: County Breakfast, VSO, and County Day in Bismarck.  Teubner moved to approve agenda, seconded by Lagein. All commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Minutes approved, per amendment, for the February 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein, seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Representatives of Wold Engineering were on hand to discuss current road projects and a change order. Commissioner Hallaway made a motion to approve the change order, Teubner seconded. Upon roll call, motion carried. The county was awarded two structures through the state. Funding will be available in 2025. Wold was unsure if it is 80/20 or 100% funded but suggested the county starts the process now.

After speaking with the State and States Attorney Frey, commissioner Oderman asked for a motion to hire a new VSO officer. Commissioner Berg made a motion to advertise for a VSO officer, seconded by Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Troy Reemtsma from the American Legion updated the commissioners about what they have been doing the last year. March 26th is the Legion pancake breakfast.

Kevin Rinas stated they had purchased a new truck and they have been pushing snow every day to keep the roads open.

Lori Beck stated all of the FEMA money has come in and Townships could apply for funding by submitting an invoice to the County.

County Breakfast is set for April 14th from 7am-10am at the Towner County Armory.

Facilities manager Bill Voight stated they have been working on the chair lift. The building committee suggests re-evaluating the agreement with the school for the Armory.

Sheriff Hillier stated the metal detector is ordered.

Tax Director Sheri Leas went over the review from the State which stated we had out-dated productivity survey numbers. She presented the new Sidwell contract which would retest the soil sample productivity numbers. Motion by Berg, seconded by Hallaway to approve Sidwell Contract. Upon roll call, motion carried.

Auditor Joni Morlock spoke with HR and he recommended merit pay not longevity pay. Joni polled State counties and three counties responded they have a longevity pay policy. Joni will get a cost of longevity pay breakdown for commissioners.

Zoning permit for Nikolaisen approved by Teubner, seconded by Lagein. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

County day for Legislative session in Bismarck is this Wednesday and Thursday in Bismarck.

Motion by Lagein, second by Hallaway to pay the bills. Motion carried, upon roll call.

Facilities manager Bill Voight joined the commissioners for further discussion on the ICON report about repairs to current Courthouse and new Courthouse.

Next meeting is set for April 11th at 8:00 a.m. with a proposed sit down with ICON at 11:00 a.m.

The meeting adjourned by Teubner, seconded by Hallaway. All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 





_______________________________                                               _________________________________

Cari Hallaway                                                                          Matt Odermann, Chairman

Deputy Auditor                                                                                  Towner County Board of Commissioners





Feb 7, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on Feb 7, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Matt Odermann called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Bob Hallaway, Lance Teubner and Doug Berg.  Joni Morlock was on speaker phone.

Additions to agenda: Liquor license for Golf Course and incentive pay for employees. Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes for the January 2023 regular meeting was made by Lagein and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried. 

Representatives of Wold Engineering were on hand to discuss current road projects.

Kevin Rinas stated the snow plow trucks are in tough shape. Commissioner Odermann asked Kevin to come back with a proposal on a snow plow truck. A bid for a fuel tank was presented. Commissioners gave Kevin the ok to purchase of a new fuel tank. Kevin stated overtime is being used up.

Sheriff Hillier stated they received a new agreement for jailing services in Rolette County. The rates have increased by $10 a day. Motion by Berg to approve the new Rolette County LEC agreement and seconded by Hallaway. Upon roll call motion carried. Commissioner Hallaway asked how the new deputy was working out. Sheriff Hillier stated good but the call volume is down therefore training is difficult.

Commissioner Odermann updated the commissioners on the VSO position. He stated the veterans are being serviced by the VSO in Cavalier County.

Facilities manager Bill Voight updated the commissioners on the construction of the new Sheriff’s office. Water control at the Memorial building is an issue again. The chair lift at the Courthouse is not working and is continuously being repaired. Commissioner Teubner said Mark Brehm will repair it. Offices at the Armory need new carpet, paint and lighting. Voight is gathering quotes for these repairs. A report from ICON was presented for a new Courthouse and repairs of current Courthouse. Voight asked the commissioners to table the ICON discussion and invite ICON for a special meeting once all commissioners have had more time to look over ICON report.

Motion by Lagein and seconded by Teubner to appointed Majusta Kleven to the Mt. Lakes Human Service Board. Motion carried.

Motion by Lagein and seconded by Berg to approve T-Mobile zoning permit. Motion carried.

Motion by Hallaway and seconded by Teubner to declare a snow emergency declaration. Motion carried.

Motion by Lagein, second by Berg to approve an application for a gaming permit and approval of a liquor license for the Cando Golf Course. Motion carried.

NDPERS legislation update given by Odermann.

Employee longevity step program was discussed. Joni Morlock is going to reach out to other counties and our HR department to gather more information for the commissioners.

Motion by Lagein, second by Teubner to pay the bills. Motion carried upon roll call.

Next meeting was set for March 7th.    

The meeting adjourned by Teubner and seconded by Lagein. Motion carried.





_______________________________                                               _________________________________

Cari Hallaway                                                                                    Matt Odermann, Chairman

Deputy Auditor                                                                                  Towner County Board of Commissioners




January 3, 2023


The Towner County Commissioners met in regular session on January 3, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the county courthouse.  Chairman Doug Berg called the meeting to order.  Present were Vice Chairman David Lagein, Commissioners Matt Odermann, Bob Hallaway and Lance Teubner.

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lagein and seconded by Teubner.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2022 regular meeting was made by Teubner and seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye, motion carried.

Reorganization of officers was held.  Vice-Chair Lagein opened up nominations for Chairman. Matt Odermann was nominated.  Berg moved and Teubner seconded to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Odermann.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Chairman Odermann opened nominations for Vice-Chair.  Dave Lagein was nominated.  Hallaway moved and Berg seconded to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Lagein.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

Sheriff Hillier was sworn into office.  Hillier presented bids for a camera grant through Homeland Security.  ND Telephone Company was low bid.  Motion by Lagein, seconded by Teubner to accept the bid and proceed with installation of the cameras.  There was concern about the low bid not being the best option, but the grant required low bid be accepted.  Upon roll call vote Teubner, Odermann and Lagein voted aye.  Berg & Hallaway voted nay.  Motion passed. 

Clerk of Court Kendall Brehm updated the Commissioners on the State taking over the Clerk of Court systems.  The NDACO has taken a stand against the bill. Motion by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway to approve a resolution in opposition to a bill that moves the services to the State.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.

A triangle piece of property acquired by the County for a road project on the hog barn road was discussed.  The owner would like to be able to farm the piece.  The States Attorney recommended we sell the piece back to the owner if he wants to farm it.  Commissioners agreed to sell it for what we sold the easement for ($3,000 per acre). 

Appointing a Mountain Lakes Human Service Board Member was tabled. 

Motion to appoint Matt Odermann to the North Central Planning Board by Lagein, seconded by Hallaway.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion by Hallaway, seconded by Berg to approve the purchase of a sound system with ARPA funds for $33,850 plus wiring.  Upon roll call vote, all Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed.  Rent of the Commissioners room was discussed. 

Year-end budget numbers and amendments to the budget were reviewed with the County Auditor.   Motion to approve amendments as recommended by the County Auditor by Teubner, and seconded by Berg.  All Commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

Motion to pay the bills by Teubner, and seconded by Lagein.  Upon roll call vote, all commissioners voted aye.  Motion passed. 

The next meeting was set for February 7th.   

The meeting adjourned by motion at 10:25 a.m.






Matt Odermann                                                            Joni Morlock

Commission Chairperson                                              Auditor/Treasurer

2020 Meeting Minutes
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